9 Things Every Dance Mom Should Know
It’s that time of year again! Moms everywhere are coordinating fall schedules that would make a professional organizer panic… deftly...

6 Things to Remember While Watching Your Child’s Dance Class
Most dance studios have a way for parents to unobtrusively watch their child’s dance class in progress. Whether it is a viewing window or...

7 Things to ask about a preschool dance program
What is the right age for my child to begin formal dance lessons? One of the questions I am asked most frequently about my dance studio...

7 reasons why ballet should be the foundation of your dance education
What’s so important about ballet? As a dance teacher and a studio director, one question I hear on a regular basis is, “Why do I need to...

Why Dance is Great for Your Child’s Early Development
With the dizzying number of choices in children’s activities these days, parents are wise to ask themselves which classes offer...